We descend from patriots who weaponized their genius in defense of this great American experiment, a daring pursuit of self-governance that began when men of courage reached for the rifle on their wall and rejected subjugation with a "shot heard round the world."

The ability to own and wield formidable technology is a salient characteristic of our dangerous freedom. If our liberty is to persevere into the 21st century so too must the essence of the rifle on the wall…because citizens possess capabilities; slaves do not. 

Today we find ourselves in a digital age of unprecedented convenience and instant gratification, yet tomorrow may hold a very different set of circumstances: circumstances more consistent with the hardships our forefathers had to brave. If the coming storm is one of conflict, it will know no limitations; to prevail will require you to do the same.

Emerging theaters of operation have shown us that drones are here to stay, and they are set to alter the flow of infantry combat as dramatically as Hiram Maxim’s machine gun did over a century ago. A battlefield once confined to the realm of science fiction is now a reality.

Ascend ISR Systems was founded by a close network of aerospace defense engineers and mission specialists. We are here to equip the modern American Warfighter, you, our nation’s historic bulwark against tyranny, with precision enhancements purpose built for irregular aerial operations.